Review of: Life, Sex & Death A Poetry Collection (Vol 1) By: David Ellis
Reviewed By:
Realistic Poetry International
We’d like to say, congratulations, to Author Ellis, for accomplishing a primary goal which he mentions in the prologue of this book, and that is to:
“Move one emotionally and in the vast majority of cases put a song in your heart and a smile on your face or act as a cathartic remedy to sensitive issues in your life”.
Without a doubt, the results of this book epitomizes the author’s good-minded intentions.
Ellis’s eloquent presentation makes for a sensational first impression, exerting wisdom supported by a profound sense of practicality. As a reader, it is important to note the great appreciation for the versatility of this book, as it is suitable for man or woman. The nonchalant, mellow tone that speaks through the voice of the book is understanding and his writing style compliments the empathetic and down-to-earth personality reflected throughout each poem. His voice is influential and persuasive enough that after reading and taking some of his advice from select poems, situations and issues that may have once appeared really big, may not feel so big after all, for many of his poems are optimistic, reassuring, and instill high levels of hope and confidence.
There are poems that share sensible sentiments on different methods of on-taking inevitable challenges in life regarding various categories, like parenting, romance, and dreams. In this book, you will also delight in poems that provide you a rather intimate experience, in which you are able to consciously develop a fairly thorough idea of what the authors outlook on his life consists of; for instance, is he happy? Does he have goals? What are his priorities? Well, one thing is for sure, Ellis will leave you feeling hopeful, confident, and revived about the future. And by the poetry composing this book, one can only be convinced to believe, he too, feels the same.
A portion of the poems in this collection exhibit the words of what we could describe as an, ‘intellectual psychologist’, strengthened by the encouraging counsel of a sapiential life-coach, for his overall writing approach has the ability to reach the masses. From beginning to end, the book is overflowing with theme diversity and each poem is laced with emotion that many of us have felt or are feeling at this very instant, making this reading experience interpersonal and personal, simultaneously.
Moreover, this book is one of those that you can read any time on any occasion! In other words, it’s not one of those books you read only to store away in your collection of ancient written treasures; no, thanks to the revitalizing, timeless stanzas of dedication, love, life, appreciation, ambition, and humanity, a vast amount of Ellis’s verses can be read on a day-to-day basis, as needed.
We’ve mentioned much about the tone, style, personality, and presentation of the book, but cannot forget to elaborate on how well structured it is, speaking from a technical perspective. We can all probably agree that as readers, one can appreciate a production that is organized and follows a presentable structure, and Ellis’s passion and effort in this literary commitment is a wonderful representation of such adroitness. From the moment you meet the introduction, to the table of contents, all the way down to the meticulous classification of each topic/genre, it is clear and easy for you to understand the book’s vision, convenient for you to locate what subject you may want to read first, and entertaining enough to keep you interested!
There were several superb works in this book, like, ‘The Cosmic Pillar’, a powerful message of love and triumph, and how the power of courage and strength prevails over adversity. A favorite quote from this poem is,
“Relationships and friendships are what matter most
Devote some time to bringing happiness to the hearts of others
And you will find happiness in yourself above all else.”
It is a gracious breath of unity, a realization of the value we should have for one another through inspiration and selflessness. In the poem, ‘This Story Starts Today’, the Author reflects back on figments of the past, but emphasizes the dire relevance of planning and preparing for the future, a good future, that is. We also had fun reading, ‘The Lies We Tell Our Children’, a humorous and witty poem perfect for parents seeking an innocent laugh. And last but not least, Author Ellis leaves our heart with warm imprints of love and felicity, with poems such as, ‘A Felicitous Word’, with beautiful metaphors like,
“Memories tattooed in gold you couldn’t erase”.
A few more of our personal favorites from his romantic collection include, ‘The Only Light That Matters In My World’, ‘Making Sense of Love’, Room In My Heart For You’, and ‘The Sweetest Of All Sounds’.
To finally conclude our review of this book, simply put, Ellis exceeds expectations by submerging into the deep, and at times, complex reality of society, people, and situations. It is an easy read and explored several key elements encompassing life, even the unknown. The emotional and heartfelt poems in this book bring clarity to just how unpredictable and adventurous life can be, and like an infamous mystery, leaves your mind to ponder the incomprehensible vastness of life, purpose, and eternity, for we each are a story, composing the pages of our book as we discover the true reason and meaning behind life. This book truly deserves a full 5 stars and leaves you with only one question, life is what you make it, what will you make of yours? Bravo Author David Ellis, and job well done!
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